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Subject: Re: Can you make it to our London launch event

Hi First name or “Friend”

{% if recipient.tag_list contains "RSVP:LondonLaunch:Jan2020” and recipient.tag_list contains "Donor:LondonLaunch:Jan2020”%} Thanks again for signing up and for your kind donation of Last donation amount this is so greatly received and will  help us to make progress towards our 2020 goals. 

With one week to go until the event we have one more favour to ask: could you share the following link with any friends or family over email/text/whatsapp/social media to help fill the final spots and make the event a huge success? The link to share is: Recruiter code

{% elsif recipient.tag_list contains "RSVP:LondonLaunch:Jan2020% ) Thanks again for signing us for our forthcoming launch event. We’re really excited and it’s great you can join us. 

To help us fill the final spots, we’d be hugely grateful if you could share the following link with any friends or family over email/text/whatsapp/social media to help fill the final spots and make the event a huge success? The link to share is: Recruiter code

{% else %}I just wanted to reach out one last time to say that the final few spots for next week’s event are going fast, but it would be great if you could join us. 

Alternatively, if you can’t make it but know others who can, please do invite them along by sharing this link: Recruiter code. Or donate to our campaign fund for 2020

{% endif %} Thank you in advance for all your support. 

Best wishes, etc


As above, you can see we have our three audiences: (i) those who have RSVPed AND donated; (ii) those who have